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Public Notice Website

Division of Archives and Records Service

Entity: Greater Salt Lake Municipal Services District

Body: Board of Trustees

Subject: Local Districts
Notice Title: Board of Trustees Meeting
Meeting Location: 2001 S State Street #N3-600

Salt Lake City  UT  84190
Event Date & Time: May 27, 2020
May 27, 2020 06:00 PM - May 27, 2020 08:00 PM
1.	Call to Order - Joe Smolka, Chair

2.	Pledge of Allegiance

3.	Public Comments (up to 3 minutes each)
You may email your brief comments to IOviatt@msd.utah.gov to have them read under this agenda item.

4.	Consideration of Meeting Minutes (Discussion and Possible Action) - Ina Oviatt, Records Officer (5 minutes)

5.	Presentation on the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District Water Efficiency Standards Policies (Informational) - Alan Packard, Assistant General Manager and Chief Engineer, and Matt Olsen, Assistant General Manager, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District (30 minutes)

6.	Consideration of Resolution Adopting an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) (Discussion and Possible Action) - Brian Hartsell, Associate General Manager, and Jim Woodward, Emergency Management Municipal Planner (15 minutes)

7.	Consideration of a budget adjustment for design of flooding solutions on Cedar Crest in the unincorporated area and Larkspur Drive in White City, to be taken from the Miscellaneous Projects budget (Discussion and Possible Action) - Madeline Francisco-Galang, Public Works Engineering (5 minutes)

8.	Discussion of municipal funding disbursements from Salt Lake County under the federal coronavirus CARES Act (Discussion and Possible Action) - Bart Barker, MSD General Manager, and Brian Hartsell, Associate General Manager (20 minutes)

9.	Consideration of the tentative 2021 Budget Calendar (Discussion and Possible Action) - Marla Howard, Chief Financial Officer (5 minutes)

10.	Consideration of the Olympia Hills Master Development Agreement Administrative Amendment No. 1 (Discussion and Possible Action) - Mark Anderson, General Counsel (5 minutes)

11.	Consideration of a budget adjustment for projects completed and the residual amounts to be reallocated (Discussion and Possible Action) - Marla Howard, Chief Financial Officer (5 minutes)

12.	Consideration of a budget adjustments for road overlays (maintenance) budgeted in capital, and other projects (Discussion and Possible Action) - Marla Howard, Chief Financial Officer (5 minutes)

13.	Consideration of the Annual Tax Rate Resolution ($0.00) (Discussion and Possible Action) - Marla Howard, Chief Financial Officer (5 minutes)

14.	Planning and Development Services update (Discussion) - Lupita McClenning, Director (10 minutes)

15.	General Manager report (Discussion) - Bart Barker, General Manager (10 minutes)

16.	Other Metro Township, Unincorporated County Community Councils and Greater Salt Lake Municipal Services District business (Discussion)

17.	Discussion of future agenda items (5 minutes)

18.	Adjourn

Anticipated meeting duration: 2:05

Notice of Special Accommodations: Upon request with three working days' notice, Salt Lake County will provide free auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals (including sign language interpreters, alternative etc.). For assistance, please call (385) 468-7500 - TTY 711.
Notice of Electronic or telephone participation: Electronic Meeting Participation Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this MSD Board of Trustees Meeting will be held electronically. If you would like to watch or listen, please use the information listed below: Audio Only Dial 669-900-6833 US (San Jose) Dial 346-248-7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 201 042 6563 Video and Audio To watch and listen on your computer or other device, go to: https://zoom.us/j/2010426563 Meeting ID: 201 042 6563 To watch the video but listen on your phone, dial: +1 301 715 8592 US +1 253 215 8782 US Meeting ID: 201 042 6563
Other information:
Contact Information: Marla Howard
Posted on: May 25, 2020 10:06 PM
Last edited on: October 26, 2020 01:48 PM

Printed from Utah's Public Notice Website (http://pmn.utah.gov/)