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Public Notice Website

Division of Archives and Records Service

Entity: Wasatch County

Body: Wasatch County Council

Subject: Business
Notice Title: Wasatch County Council
Meeting Location: 25 N Main St `

Heber City     84032
Event Date & Time: November 15, 2017
November 15, 2017 04:00 PM
                PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the County Council of Wasatch County will hold a REGULAR session in the Council Chambers in the County Administration Building, 25 North Main, Heber City, Utah, commencing at 4:00 PM, Wednesday, November 15, 2017.

DATE: Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Order of Agenda Items Subject to Change without Notice

Prayer/Remarks-Danny Goode
Pledge of Allegiance-Mark Nelson
Public Issues for Future Meetings
Administrative Items for Future Agendas
Legislative Items for Future Agendas

Approval of  Minutes

1.	October 18th, 2017
2.	November 1st, 2017

Wasatch County SSA #1

1.	Approval of Warrants.


1.	Discussion/Consideration Fox Bay -Need for No Parking signs along Alpine Avenue-Linda O'Donnell

2.	Public Lands Update -Ken Brown

3.	Discussion/Consideration on Building Modification for Relocating DMV-Karl McDonald

4.	Discussion and approval for the method of satisfying the affordable housing requirement for the Project referred to as the JOVID Hotel.  The JOVID hotel is located at the northeast side of the intersection of Highway 248 and Browns Canyon Road in the JBOZ (Jordanelle Basin Overlay Zone).

5.	Council/Board Reports

Manager's Report

1.	Resolution for Snow Removal on County Roads

Closed Session

1.	Purchase, Exchange or Lease of Property
2.	Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation
3.	The Character, Professional Competence, or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual

Public Hearings 6:00

1.	Discussion and possible motion on an amendment to code section 16.21.46 regarding Accessory Residential Dwelling Units (ADU's) including what is typically referred to as mother in-law units also including Caretaker and Guest ADUs.  The Planning Commission in their July 13th meeting directed the planning staff to look at possible amendments to the code to limit these uses.

2.	A proposed amendment to the Wasatch County Trails Plan which is 16.38 appendix 3 of the County Code.  The proposal updates the map and updates portions of the code to provide more specific regulations on trail types, trailhead locations and improvements.  The updated map is intended to provide connections between County, municipalities and State parks.

3.	Discussion and possible motion for a new section of code (16.27.34) to allow for additional density for projects that provide regional parks in accordance with locations noted in the general plan.  The code section would affect the following zoning districts: RA-1 (residential Agricultural), NVOZ (North Village Overlay Zone), JSPA (Jordanelle Specially Planned Area).

4.	Discussion and possible motion for a code section to be added to 16.27.29 regarding regulations for retaining walls.

5.	Paul Watson, representative for Jim Lamon, is requesting a plat amendment to Lot 31 of Wolf Creek Ranch Plat 2-B to reduce the west setback from 125' to 30'. The parcel (parcel #00-0017-6409) is 160 acres in size and is located at 1975 North Westward HO Road in Sections 19 and 30, Township 3 South, Range 6 East in the P-160 (Preservation 160 Acre) zone.

	November 13th, 2017
	Brent R. Titcomb


In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations during this meeting should notify
Michelle Crook 435-657-3190 at least one day prior to the meeting.
This agenda is also available on the County Internet Website at http://www.wasatch.utah.gov and on Utah State's Website at www.utah.gov.

Notice of Special Accommodations: Wasatch County will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing County programs. Please contact Michelle Crook at the Wasatch County Council office at 435-657-3190 in advance if you have special needs.
Notice of Electronic or telephone participation: There is no electronic participation at this time.
Other information:
Contact Information: Wendy McKnight
Posted on: November 13, 2017 04:20 PM
Last edited on: November 13, 2017 04:20 PM

Printed from Utah's Public Notice Website (http://pmn.utah.gov/)