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City Council - Revision 1

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General Information

Government Type
Hyde Park
Public Body
City Council

Notice Information

Notice Title
City Council
Notice Subject(s)
Notice Type(s)
Notice, Meeting
Event Start Date & Time
September 11, 2024 07:00 PM
Hyde Park City Council Live / Zoom Meeting Zoom: 796 947 6317 / Passcode: H88vx6 September 11, 2024 7:00 p.m. Agenda Welcome Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance (Council member Flint) Adoption of Agenda Approval of Minutes from August 28th Citizen Input 1. Consider resolution 2024-19 - A Resolution approving existing leases for the North Park Police Department. 2. Consider a policy defining City Council Meeting Rules and Procedures. 3. Consider Resolution 24-18 - A resolution expressing Hyde Park City's intent to adjust its common boundary with North Logan. Public Hearing will be held on November 13, 2024. 4. Consider Cedar Rock Holding Rezone Consider a rezone application submitted by Dustin Carr of Kairos Real Estate: 7.69 acres at about 500 W 600 N, Parcel ID: 04-006-0035, from Commercial to Mixed-Use. 5. Consider RCNC Properties Rezone Consider a rezone application submitted by Dustin Carr of Kairos Real Estate: 7.86 acres at about 500 W 550 N, Parcel ID: 04-006-0020, from Commercial to Mixed-Use. 6. Consider Two Brothers/Todd Horman Revised Preliminary Plat Consider revised plat for a new subdivision located at approximately 200 N 1300 E, covering 13.5 acres across 2 parcels. RE-20 zone, Parcel IDs: 04-001-0006 and 04-049-0002. 7. Consider Updated Zoning Map 8. Consider Updated Future Land Use Map 9. Consider Ordinance 2024-21 - An Ordinance amending Hyde Park City code 12.70.030 Parking Space for Non-Dwelling Buildings. 8:00 p.m. Agenda 1. Interviews for City Council position
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION: Hyde Park City will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing City programs. Please contact Donja Wright at 435-563-6507, ext. 11 at least 24 hours in advance if you have special needs.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
A councilmember may join a meeting electronically upon proper notice of the meeting and 24-hour notice to council members. A council member participating electronically will be connected to the meeting by telephone.

Meeting Information

Meeting Location
113 E Center
Hyde Park, UT 84318
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Contact Name
Donja Wright
Contact Email
Contact Phone

Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
September 09, 2024 04:56 PM
Notice Last Edited On
September 26, 2024 10:20 AM

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