Amalga Town Council
Wednesday October 9, 2024, at 7 p.m.
at the Amalga town hall at
6590 N 2400 W AMALGA, UTAH
Agenda as follows:
1. Welcome / Pledge of allegiance. Mark Cowley
2. Roll Call Dave Wood Mayor,
3. Public Comments
4. Approve Minutes from September 11, 2024, meeting.
a. Follow up to September Council Meeting concerning Sharon
Munk. Eric Dursteler went to her house and has some
recommendations for her house that was given to the family.
We believe the problem is not town related.
b. Motion to approve minutes from September Council meeting
Mark Cowley
2nd Colette Dursteler
5. Sheriff's Report 36 hours, 13 incidents, 3 traffic violations, 4
6. Council reports:
a. Colette Dursteler.
i. The youth council will do the Trunk o treat. They will
do the Advertisement. Will do it at 6:30. Christmas
parade on December 2nd
b. Mark Cowley
i. Sanitation survey will be done this Thursday with
Cameron Draney
ii. Asked Craig Peterson about Dustin Bingham's
house. He will put it on his Schedule.
iii. Lead Copper survey for the town been working on
it with Sunrise Engineers and Eric Dursteler
c. Dave Lee (Judy Downs Filling in)
i. The rental issues
1. Dave Jenson came in he is clear he is aware that
he will be fined if it happens again.
2. Mr. Renez came in says that no one lives in the
trailer. It was discussed that no one lives there.
He is aware that he will be fined if it happens
again. Will be kept open until the trailer is moved
3. Chris Wood
4. Sid Munk is working on a solution but was not on
the agenda
5. Will go ahead and send out the next three letters
this next week.
ii. Discussed public hearing
1. Kelly Noble in Favor of the change
2. Mike Diehl Opposed to the Change
3. April Hansen Opposed
4. Judy Downs Opposed
5. Will need to have a public Hearing And vote next
7. Mayor's report
a. Glenn's Electric will come next week to put pump in the
b. Met with the Cog we were awarded $162,616 For chip and
seal for next year.
c. Mosquitos we are stopped the spraying.
d. Hyde Park, Benson, Newton have tested positive for West
Nile Virus.
e. The water was off this morning. Second pump went down
this morning and it lowered our pressure to about 25 pounds
f. Got all the road signs in they will be going up.
8. Cash Disbursement
a. Motion To approve: Mark Cowley
b. 2nd Colette Dursteler
9. Items for November Council Meeting
a. Christmas Parade
b. Town Christmas Party
c. Public Hearing Code amendment
10. Adjournment
a. Motion to adjourn Mark Cowley
b 2nd Colette Dursteler
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify David Lee @435-881-0552.