ORDINANCE NO. 2024-05-01
On May 13, 2024, the Kearns City Council enacted Ordinance No. 2024-05-01, following the adoption of H.B. 35 and the repeal of Utah Code § 10-2a-414(3) to re-adopt the remaining portions of the Salt Lake County Code of Ordinances that Kearns inherited upon its incorporation on January 1, 2017, and that are found within the Kearns Municipal Code until the Kearns City Council amends, repeals, or replaces such ordinances.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
Upon request with three working days' notice, Salt Lake County will provide free auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals (including sign language interpreters, alternative formats, etc.). For assistance, please call (385) 468-7130 - TTY 711. The Public May Attend. Meetings May Be Closed For Reasons Allowed By Statute.