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February 26, 2019 07:30 PM
Event End Date & Time
February 26, 2019 08:05 PM
MONA CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 2019 7:30 PM 20 West Center Street Council Chambers THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY MAYOR WILLIAM MILLS PRESENT: William M Mills - Mayor - Absent Randy Christensen - Councilmember Katrina Long - Councilmember and Mayor Pro-Tempore Frank Riding - Councilmember Micheal Stringer - Councilmember GUEST: Rick Schnurr, Sylvia Monsivais, Rose ALSO PRESENT: Myrna Trautvein - Times News Reporter Michelle Dalton-Secretary/Treasurer Everd Squire -Director of Finance, Lyla Spencer -City Recorder OPENING PRAYER: Councilmember Randy Christensen APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 12, 2019 MINUTES: Councilmember Micheal Stringer moved to make a motion to accept the minutes of February 12, 2019 as written. A second was made by Councilmember Frank Riding. The vote was unanimous, motion carried. (1st Motion) NEW COUNCILMEMBER APPOINTMENT: There was one applicant who applied for the city council vacancy created by Jonathan Jones in December. Jay Mecham applicant, came before the council where he was briefly interview, at the conclusion of Mecham's remarks/interview each councilmember had the opportunity to asked questions. All councilmember's were in favor of Mecham's council appointment. Mecham will set on the council until the first Tuesday in January 2020. Councilmember Micheal Stringer moved to make a motion to appoint Jay Mecham to replace former councilmember Jonathan Jones as councilmember. A second was made by Councilmember Randy Christensen. All were in favor, the vote was unanimous. (2nd Motion) After the motion was approve by the council, Lyla Spencer city Recorder presented the swearing in for Jay Mecham. PLANNING AND ZONING: No Report MONA CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 2019 DELEGATIONS: Sylvia Monsivais and Rose came before the council to present their argument on having their home school cooperative group of approximately 23 students meets one morning a week from 10 -12, asking that their fee for the use of the Community Center be waived because they feel they are a non-profit organization. The council was willing to allow the use of the building to the group for a normal fee based activity but they do not want to set an example by giving the building to them free of charge. Mayor pro-tempore Katrina Long asked the council for a voice vote to allow the home school group to use the Community Center without a fee: Councilmember Frank Riding No, Councilmember Jay Mecham No, Councilmember Randy Christensen No, Councilmember Micheal Stringer No, and Katrina Long as Councilmember No. The voice vote was unanimous against the home school group using the Community Center without a fee. DIRECTOR OF FINANCES, SECRETARY/TREASURER & RECORDERS REPORT: Director of Finance Everd Squire presented The Mona City Disbursement Listing for checking dated 02/13/2019 to 02/26/2019. Councilmember Long asked what the $215,000.00, issued to Utah State Division of Finance, check # 3262 is for. Everd told her it is for the sewer payment. 'The General Fund has to subsidies the sewer system it does not pay for itself, we don't make enough in the sewer system to make the payment', Everd told her. There were four (4) checks over the allotted amount of $2,000. The Disbursement Listing is attached and will become a permanent part of the minutes for public viewing. Everd presented the Mona City Operational Budget Report 10 General, 51 Water, 55 Natural Gas 07/01/2018 to 02/26/2019 with 66.67% of the fiscal year has expired. He told the council he will have to do some adjustment before the final budget is presented. He asked the council to go over the proposed budget, and let him know if they have questions which can be discussed at the next meeting. He said the city is still in a good position in regard to the budget. Secretary/Treasurer Michelle Dalton reported the shut off dates have been changed from the first Wednesday to the first Monday. She also presented the Mona City Natural Gas Reconnection Agreement that was table the last city council meeting because of needed changes. The council would like to add, the Mona City employee is not to go in and light the pilot that is the homeowner responsibility. Attached to the minutes is Jones & DeMille Engineeering signed copy of the work order and agreement. MONA CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 2019 COUNCIL BUSINESS: There were no business license or fence permits. Councilmember Randy Christensen is working with the CIB to see if they can help the city fund the GIS System. He told the council he will forward any information that comes along. The information needs to be in before June. Mayor Pro-Tempore Katrina Long asked for a motion to increase the irrigation fee. Councilmember Randy Christensen moved to make a motion to increase the rental on the irrigation from $30 to $100.00 for a total of $180 with the assessment. A Second was made by Councilmember Micheal Stringer. Motion carried (3rd Motion) Mayor Pro-Tem Katrina Long asked for her Pioneer Celebration meeting to be posted for Thursday February 28th at 5:00 p.m. FYI: There were four (4) motions voted upon and passed, a motion to approve the February 12, 2019 minutes, a motion to approve the appointment of Jay Mecham to city council, a motion to approve the irrigation fee to $180, and a motion to adjourn this meeting of February 26, All motions are recorded and in the cities records. PAY FINANCES ADJOURNMENT: Councilmember Frank Riding moved to make a motion to pay the finances and adjourn, a second was made by Councilmember Jay Mecham, the vote was unanimous, motion carried. (4th Motion) The city council meeting was then adjourned at 8:02 p.m., with no further comments. AN EXECUTIVE SESSION IF NECESSARY: An executive session was not necessary. ____________________________________ Katrina Long - Mayor Pro Tempore ______________________________________________ Lyla R. Spencer - CMC, City Recorder
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during the meeting should notify the City recorder (435-623-4913),at least 48 hours before the hearing.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
There are no electronic or telephonic particpation available.

Meeting Information

Meeting Location
20 W Center St
Mona, 84645
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Alicia Hills
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Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
March 14, 2019 12:22 PM
Notice Last Edited On
March 14, 2019 12:22 PM

Download Attachments

File Name Category Date Added
Scan 1.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/03/14 12:25 PM
Scan 2.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/03/14 12:26 PM
Scan 3.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/03/14 12:26 PM
Scan 4.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/03/14 12:27 PM
Scan 5.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/03/14 12:27 PM
Scan 6.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/03/14 12:28 PM
Scan 7.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/03/14 12:28 PM
Scan 8.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/03/14 12:29 PM
Scan 9.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/03/14 12:29 PM


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